Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome

As low as 518,81 kr.
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  • Bestilt før 15:00, graveret og afsendt i dag
  • Gratis forsendelse for ordrer over 373,17 kr.
  • 990+ kunder har bedømt os 4,9/5

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Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome

is not only a symbol of sophistication and style, but also offers the option of free engraving, making it an even more personal gift. Add a unique touch to this iconic pen by having it engraved with a name, date or special message.

The polished chrome body gives the pen a shiny and luxurious look that stands out in any professional environment. The slim profile provides a comfortable grip, making prolonged writing effortless.

Whether you take notes during meetings, sign important documents or just want to enjoy the writing process, the Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome is the perfect one for any writing task.

Add this timeless classic to your collection today and experience for yourself the perfect combination of elegance and performance with the Cross Classic Century Lustrous Chrome.


Længde lukket pen (mm)135
Diameter (mm)9
MekanismeIkke relevant
Farve på blækketIkke relevant
Garanti (år)Livstid
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