Waterman Graduate Allure Citron Yellow-Fijn

223,76 kr.
  • Bestilt før 15:00, graveret og afsendt i dag
  • Gratis forsendelse for ordrer over 372,99 kr.
  • 990+ kunder har bedømt os 4,9/5

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All-metal body with a pastel matte lacquer finish showcases your flair and sophistication

The Waterman Allure Fountain Pen has a contemporary, stylish design that's perfect for students and professionals. The durable engraved nib and smooth-flowing ink ensures a consistent and personalised writing experience. With a French-influenced bold yet elegant pastel finish, the Waterman pen makes for a strong first step into the fine writing world. Based on a classic Waterman design, the Allure’s smooth metal body and range of modern trims provide a premium look and feel that's sure to impress, whether in a classroom or the boardroom.


Type penFyldepen(F-Fin)
Længde lukket pen (mm)135
Diameter (mm)11
MekanismeTræk mekanisme
Farve på blækketBlå
Garanti (år)2
Graveringens farveSølvgrå